Monday 22 October 2012

Many people are interested in knowing what is karate. Actually, karate is a means of self protection without utilizing any weapons and consists of dynamic defensive and offensive techniques that use various body elements to strike at sensitive areas of one’s body for maximum advantage. This martial art came from in Japan.

Many people are interested in knowing what is karate. Actually, karate is a means of self protection without utilizing any weapons and consists of dynamic defensive and offensive techniques that use various body elements to strike at sensitive areas of one’s body for maximum advantage. This martial art came from in Japan.

Actually, the word karate is a combination of two japanese characters Kara and Te, where “Kara” means empty, and “Te” means hand.

kung fu as self-defense

In the past few decades, as the peopel became informed of what is taekwondo and its usefullness, martial arts has gained widespread popularity, and has become one of the most dynamic martial arts. Any trained martial artka can very easily coordinate both body and mind in a perfect way, which helps in unleashing great physical power anytime at will. Actually, a kung fuka does not become great just because of great physical strength, rather it is their potential to coordinate both body and mind that makes them great. Once this capacity is created, even a smallest or weakest person feels as if he/she has great power within their body and can deliver devastating blow to any attacker.

taekwondo practice

It is divided into three components: Kata (simulating combat positions, and certain pre-arranged forms)Kihon (blocks, drilling of stances, punches, kicks, and strikes)Kumite (sparring)
In every category, the beginner gets detailed instructions from the master until these methods become spontaneous. The progress in karate techniques take time, and progressd practice requires greater stamina. Then, pupil learns more intricate taekwondo approachs and dynamic forms of “kumite”. As one reaches black belt level, stamina, approach, coordination, and pace become spontaneous. At this stage, students feel that their study of this interesting art of self defense has just begun.
The black belt system is one of the most important aspects of the this martial arts. This ranking system indicates the progression of any individual to the next level. particular person has to meet certain requirements to move to the next level. This is done with the help of grading exam that also considers the time that has elapsed considering last grading. Aside from that, when the teacher is satisfied that trainee has progressmented, and has become proficient in certain kung fu processs, and has been consistent in training, the trainee is give the next belt immediately after consent from teacher.
The biggest advantage of belt method is that it actions the progress, development, and provides rewards and incentives for learning and making efforts to become proficient in this martial art.
several advantages of kung fu
In our day-to-day lives we usually overlook the importance of exercise to both our psychological and physical wellness. Once you know what is martial art, its continuous practice improves both psychological and physical wellbeing. It builds up coordination, tones up body, builds stamina, and quickens your reflexes.
Aside from that, serious practice of this martial art helps in developing deeper insight, clearer thought process, sharp mind and much more self confidence. Actually, karate is not an end, but just a means to an end. Best of all, advance age is not at all any hindrance in learning this martial art. rather it boosts proficiency in the keen coordination of body and mind.

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