Monday, 22 October 2012

Why Karate?

I come to you with only Karate, Empty Hands.
I have no weapons, but should I be forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor,
should it be a matter of life or death, of right or wrong, then here are my weapons, Karate, my Empty Hands.


Above All!

Karate is not an easy art. But it is an art. And like any art the more you put into it, the more it will repay you.

Karate enriches you physically, mentally and spiritually—developing your body, your mind and your character.

Especially at the JKA.

What isKarate-do?

Kara is the Japanese word for empty while temeans hand and dotranslates as the way, or path. So Karate-do is The Way of the Empty Hand. It is a martial art in which the ultimate purpose is not to seek to win, but to work towards perfection of character, self-control and self-discipline by the accumulation of experience through training. It is also a form of self-defence using all parts of the body which, by hard and systematic training, become effective and powerful weapons. Karate encompasses whole body movements which develop balance, flexibility, co-ordination, speed and power. This is achieved through the constant practice of the basic movements (Kihon) which, due to their variety and complexity, can be considered as a complete art form themselves.

What is Shotokan Karate?

Shotokan Karate originated in Okinawa, a small island south of Japan. It was popularized in Japan by Gichin Funakoshi in the 1950s.
Shotokan Karate is a traditional martial art. This means that improvements in character and mental discipline are as important as physical skill, if not more so. Shotokan Karate is meant to be accessible to all, including, women, children, and those without great athletic ability. JKA Kuwait Dojo offers a caring, safe environment where everyone can learn the art of karate. Its practice leads to:

• Muscular and Aerobic fitness
• Body alignment, balance and movement
• Increased perceptual awareness
• Stress management
• Concentration, confidence and discipline

Shotokan Karate is a traditional Japanese style of Karate. It combines both mental and physical training to refine the character of its students. Karate means "empty hand" as translated from its Chinese characters. As a result, Karate uses no weapons in its training, relying on the hands, feet, and body of its participants.
The founder of modern Karate,Gichin Funakoshifrom Okinawa, first demonstrated his powers to the Japanese public in 1922 in Tokyo. Funakoshi established his first Dojo in Japan in 1936. The Japan Karate Association (JKA) was created in 1955 with Funakoshi as the Chief Instructor. The name Shotokan is derived from Funakoshi'ss pen-name, Shoto and the Japanese word for hall, kan.

Why should I join a Karate club?

Master Funakoshi's precept says thatThe ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants.Karate is beneficial both physically and mentally: you will improve your physical fitness and flexibility, you will have a better understanding of body dynamics, a greater awareness of your surroundings, a greater ability to defend yourself, and the ability to control your emotions in high pressure situations. Most of all, Karate will build your self-confidence in everyday life.

Why should I join this club in particular?

We are affiliated with Japan Karate Association/World Federation, all the grades and ranks you get, are recognized worldwide.
We are on a friendly environment, no stress no hates, speak up we hear you..

Is Karate Violent?

There is no first attack in Karate. Every Karate move always begins with a defense. Karate is based onrespect,discipline,relaxation andcalm awareness. An aggressive, emotional attitude is contrary to the philosophical and practical nature of the martial art.Funakoshi said that "The spirit of Karate is lost without courtesy". In Karate one learns the values of kindness, sincerity and self-control. The students are taught to be bold and gentle, and to have confidence and humility. These contrasting combinations eventually lead to total harmony of body and mind. This is the true aim of Karate.

Is Karate an Effective Self-Defense?

Karate is theultimate inunarmed self-defense. It is designed to disable with one move; it has techniques against all forms of attack and has been developed through centuriesof harsh experience. Most importantly, ittrains the mental and emotional skills of combat, as well as the physical. Strength and size are not importantin Karate - it can be performed well with whatever strength you have, by relying on technique,speed and co-ordination. Karate teaches you how to avoid possible confrontations - it is far better to de-fuse or to avoid a dangerous situation than to confront it.

What Happens in the Lessons?

Karate consists of three aspects:Kata, Kihon(basics) andKumite(Fighting). Kihon involves the systematic training of various blocks, strikes, punches and kicks. Kumite is the application of the techniques learned in Kihon. The Fighting is all pre-determined and is non-contact, being carried out with great control.

What is Kata?

Kata are formal exercises consisting of pre-determined defensive and offensive movements, performed in a sequence. They are performed by oneself against a series of imaginary attacks by several opponents. The secrets of Karate are hidden in these beautiful compositions of lethal movement. They are the means by which the fundamental techniques of Karate are transferred to each generation. There are 27 kata in Shotokan - a new kata or series of kata are learnt after each grading.

Who can Take Up Karate?

Karate is for everyone - men, women and children; old or young; fit or not. Every girl or woman should know what to do if attacked. Women in the lesson get the same training as the men. Children can benefit from the self-discipline, and the skills acquired will improve their self-confidence and character. The training is non-competitive. Older people have gained their black belts after 60 and have practiced the art into their 80s. Older students receive the same training as younger people, although naturally the instructor will not demand the same level of endurance. Everyone's training is with oneself - the instructor only expects the best that you can achieve; there is no competition with anyone else in the lesson. You can adjust your training to suit your own stamina and abilities, but the harder you train the more you will benefit.

What Do the Belt Colors Mean?

Beginners wear a white belt. Students are then graded starting from 9th kyu (first white belt), to brown belt (1 kyu) then will be able to apply for black belts which starting from ShoDan (1st black belt).

How Good is Karate for Fitness?

Karate is one of the mostbalanced andcomplete ways of keeping in good physical condition. Karate incorporates the use of the entire body in which legs, hips, spine, shoulders and arms are co-ordinated to develop balance, flexibility, poise, speed, strength and stamina. No other form of training uses as many parts of the body to such an extent. Karate is not seasonal and so one's condition can be maintained throughout the year. Other forms of training, where exercise for the sake of exercise is done, become a chore after the first enthusiasm passes and are invariably dropped. However, Karate becomes more interesting and rewarding as you progress, without any limit. Even after decades of training, students will still be learning and improving their techniques - this is very rare in any sport.

Is Karate good for my health?

Yes. Because Karate involves both stretching and cardiovascular exercise, it is extremely good for your health. Furthermore, unlike many other activities, Karate uses almost all muscle groups. This means that your body becomes very well balanced rather than overworked in specific muscle groups.

Are There any Other Benefits from Karate?

Karate is a means of developing friendship. At its best it is also a means of gainingself-understandingand self-confidence. It is an art form through which one can express individuality. Karate is also a bridge to other cultures and times, and it establishes a contact with one's mind and body that is rare in Western education. The true rewards lie in the improvement of mind, body, and character. Without this threefold development, mastery of the techniques will be impossible. Great personal effort and mental concentration are needed to learn Karate, but the rewards are enormous.

Will I be able to defend myself physically?

Students of Shotokan Karate, knowing that they can handle themselves in a physical conflict, feel confident, and thus are able to avoid most confrontations without resorting to a physical fight. If there is no avoiding a fight, the student of Karate learns to disable his or her opponent in one blow.

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